I seriously wanted to choose to become Mr. Sadly, the nostalgia was ruined when the CPU chose Skate/Sammy. For this go, I decided to go nostalgic: SoR!Blaze and SoR!Axel. Unless noted, all runs are on Normal mode. I probably played it only once.) This game would've had online play, but the developer (or something) ran into problems.

It even has friggin' Adam as a playable character!! The game has a remixed(?) soundtrack.and it sounds pretty awesome! You can also change some gameplay mechanics to mimic different SoR games, like using SoR2's combo mechanic or disable dashing (play like SoR2).
#Streets of rage remake blaze code
There is also the shop.) Supposedly, everything was done by hand without dipping into the original game's source code or something (sprites, movesets, Police calling, which hasn't been seen since SoR, and friggin' guns). The game has a TON of replay value (just the paths, man. This game isn't too easy (as in Bare Knuckle III easy even on Very Hard) or too hard (as in Streets of Rage 3 balls-busting difficulty on any difficulty). Now it is impossible to find it on the interwebz.or is it? Interweb savvy people knows that once anything is on the internet, it is pretty much impossible to get rid of it.or something. A remake of all three Streets of Rage game that took 8 years to make.or something It was released sometime in early April 2011 (even had coverage).and then Sega told the team to pull down the game.or something.